
Heuchera x brizoides 'Huntsman'


  1. Pot Size: 3 1/2"
  2. Height: 12-16"
  3. USDA Hardiness Zone: 4: -20ºF through -30ºF
  4. Season: May, June, July, August
  5. Exposure: Sun, Light Shade, Half Shade
Lots of pink bells May - August.
Availability: Out of stock

One of the best H. x brizoides selections with an extended bloom season and overall resilience. Although we “don’t do” Heuchera, after our original plant would not die or even diminish, being about 18 years in the same spot, I couldn’t resist dividing it to share. Besides, we acquired ‘Huntsman’ at Washfield Nursery in England. Whoever knows about that nursery and Elizabeth Strangman knows what an amazing eye she had for truly great perennials, like Astrantia ‘Ruby Wedding’ (her own selection) and Sanguisorba ‘Tanna’. That was back in 1996; Elizabeth retired not too long after that, but her plants have not!

One of the best H. x brizoides selections with an extended bloom season and overall resilience. Although we “don’t do” Heuchera, after our original plant would not die or even diminish, being about 18 years in the same spot, I couldn’t resist dividing it to share. Besides, we acquired ‘Huntsman’ at Washfield Nursery in England. Whoever knows about that nursery and Elizabeth Strangman knows what an amazing eye she had for truly great perennials, like Astrantia ‘Ruby Wedding’ (her own selection) and Sanguisorba ‘Tanna’. That was back in 1996; Elizabeth retired not too long after that, but her plants have not!

Products specifications
ExposureSun, Light Shade, Half Shade
Plant Size12-16"
Bloom SeasonMay, June, July, August
Pot Size3 1/2"
Foliage ColorMarbled-Mottled
USDA Hardiness Zone4: -20ºF through -30ºF, 4: -20ºF through -30ºF, 5: -10ºF through -20ºF, 6: 0ºF through -10ºF, 7: 10ºF through 0ºF, 8: 20ºF through 10ºF, 9: 30ºF through 20ºF
Cut FlowersYes
Attracts Humming BirdsYes
Deer ResistantYes
Rabbit ResistantYes
Low WaterYes
Edelweiss AwardYes
US NativeYes
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